Arena — is a clean and modern HTML5 template for all kind of business. It perfectly suits for corporate agency, business companies, design studios. Quality and modern design of this template stand out you from competition.
Documentation file included This template contain everything that you need for grow your business.Try it now.
Main Features
- 2 Incredible Demos
- Amazing Design
- Perfect Coding
- Easy to Customize
- Google Fonts
- Friendly Support
- Extended Documentation
- Portfolio Layouts
- Blog pages
- Retina-ready vector graphics
- Fully responsive
- Detailed UI & nice typography
- Parallax background effect
- BEM used for CSS code
- Great cross-browser optimization
- Smooth performance
- and much more…
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Modernizr
- imagesLoaded
- Masonry
- Jarallax
- Swiper
- iON Tabs
- Waypoints
- Counter Up
- EaseScroll
- Maplace
Note: all the images you may have seen in the live preview are not included to the final purchase.
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