E-Mail Flow is a platform were you can send unlimited E-mail single and multiple or in group. Our Email Marketing Script allows you to spread the news about your products or services to a big audience in a short period of time, you can create and send unlimited emails to any number of recipients with professional high-performance. Bulk email software for your bulk email marketing campaigns is the flexibility of a bulk email web services you can promote your business in simple way.
Demo Url: http://ift.tt/2fVuOQ3
Username: micrommtechnology@gmail.com
Password: 123
- No skill needed to setup.
- Just download and extract to your root directory and open url.
- Easily configure your database connection.
- Mobile Compatible (Responsive)
- SMTP Support were you can send E-mail with your Gmail id or with Domain E-mail.
- Dashboard with Calendar, were you can see number of email sent on every date.
- Create group.
- Add Clients E-mail with all the details.
- Add E-mail Template with HTML and Make Template with editor 2013 Office.
- Send E-mail to Group Clients and select Template or Create.
- Send Individual or multiple E-mail to clients which are in database records or not
- After sendig E-mail you can Check status of sent E-mail.
- Admin Profile
- Upload Avatar
- Change Password
- Reset password
- In Setting were you can change SMTP Username, password of your SMTP server to send email.
Note :
TLS is selected then port will be 587 for sending email with your Gmail,Yahoomail etc.
SSL is selected then port will be 465 sending email with your Any other Secured webmain domain.
If Non Secured selected then port will be 25.
Gmail SMTP Setting :
Login to your gmail account. Enable on your Gmail setting Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
Unlock Captcha and To allow access, click the Continue button below. click on continue.
Get Permission and click on Access for less secure apps.
For any query E-mail: micrommtechnology@gmail.com
Plugin Used:
- Fontawesome Icon
- Icomoon Icon
- CKeditor (Many plugins used in CKeditor)
- Lobibox
- jquery UI
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
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