Start selling properties today with this easy-to-use and fully featured System.Our Real estate System work with property buyers or sellers and help them navigate the complex nature of the property market. Our System is a lightning fast and light weight PHP script, You can launch a real estate website within minutes. No needs to pay thousands dollars now, our system is fully opensource, easy to use, dynamic and fully responsive.
Backend Login: User: admin & Pass: admin
Visitor Key Features:
- Gorgeous Frontend.
- Responsive design.
- Easy to Contact Option.
- Informative Banner.
- Property Category.
- Custom Search Option.
- Easy to Load Menu.
- Social Section.
- Multiple Property Image.
- Section for House / Land / Plot.
- Sale & Rent Both Feature.
- Property Address.
- Property Overview.
- Public Facilities.
- Easy to Location Finder.
- Wing’s / Concern Section.
Admin Key Features:
- Secure & Responsive Admin Panel.
- Multiple Admin Facility.
- Add / Edit / Delete property Categorey.
- Add / Edit / Delete property Sub-Categorey.
- All Data Exportable To CSV, Excel, PDF.
- Add / Edit / Delete Unlimited property.
- Manage Property Prices.
- Sell / Rent Section.
- Unlimited Property Image Upload.
- General Setting.
- Logo Setting.
- Footer Logo Setting.
- Home Slider Setting.
- Product top img.
- Partners Logo.
- Social Links.
- Footer Menu.
Support Fecility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support:
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