TITAN – Project Management System is a powerful PHP script designed to allow you to manage your projects, tasks, events and so much more. We have provided many excellent features that help make your life easier, your client’s life easier and your business more efficient. The application is a great way keep organised, very simple to install and we offer great support. It’s powered by MYSQL and PHP with CodeIgniter 3.1, making it a very robust solution.
Test Drive Before You Buy
Demo Link: http://ift.tt/2bwjl6w
Demo Login Details:
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: test123
Our Guarantee
- Provide excellent support with a fast response rate.
- Patch and fix any bugs or broken content.
- Help get you setup and installed!
- Answer any questions you may have.
TITAN is also very secure!
- Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built using the latest CodeIgniter Framework Version 3.1 that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
- Passwords are encrypted using PHPass Library, standard bcrypt encryption.
- Captcha enabled pages to prevent spam!
- Optional account activation via email
- Brute Force protection on login
Full Feature List
- User & Registration System
- Users can register for an account using the quick and easy register page.
- Captcha enabled registration page to prevent bots from spamming your site (can be disabled in Admin Panel
- Users can also register accounts using their Social Network accounts, making it even quicker to sign up to your site!
- Login System comes with a Forgotten Password page, to allow users to reset their password via email.
- Prevents spam by making sure the email address is unique and valid.
- Passwords are encrypted using PHPass library (bcrypt) to make sure your data is safe!
- Can disable registration from Admin Panel, as well as Social Login option.
- Brute Force Login Protection
- Account Activation Option
- Project System
- Create unlimited amounts of Projects, each with their own unique teams.
- Organize by custom created categories.
- Archive completed projects so old data is out of the way.
- Make active project to show relevant data easily.
- Mark Project Completion based on Tasks completed.
- Restrict which users can create projects through User Roles.
- Each Project can have a team of users who have specific permissions.
- User Roles
- User Role system allows you to assign specific permissions to users.
- Set a default User Role in the Admin panel.
- Admins have access to all projects/sections of the site.
- Create custom User Roles in the Admin Panel.
- Create User Roles specifically for Clients so they don’t see more than they need to.
- Admin System
- Global Settings allow you to change site name, logo, enable registration, file upload types and more.
- Social Media Settings allow you to set if users can login with Facebook, Twitter, Google accounts.
- Section Settings allow you to turn off certain sections of the system.
- Calendar Settings allow you to switch between Google Calendar and Site Calendar.
- Manage all members easily; edit their usernames, passwords, emails, user roles.
- Add new members from Admin Panel.
- User Roles allow you to create custom roles that have unique permissions.
- User Groups allow you to group users together.
- IP Blocking allows you to prevent users from logging in with certain IP addresses.
- Ticket Settings allow you to setup email piping for clients. (iMAP)
- Invoice Settings allow you to change the invoice logo and default address.
- Calendar
- Full featured Calendar. Add/Edit/Delete events.
- View events by project.
- Can be used with Google Calendar.
- Tasks
- Add Tasks and Objectives to Projects
- Assign groups of users to Tasks.
- Set the completion of each task.
- Set status of each Task.
- View your own Assigned Tasks.
- Add Objectives to tasks (sub-tasks).
- Log time for each Task.
- Add Comments for each Task.
- Get notifications when Tasks are updated.
- File Manager
- A virtual file system allows you to upload files.
- Create folders to organise files.
- Assign files and folders to projects.
- Specify which files can be uploaded in Admin Panel.
- Add notes to Files for others to view.
- Team
- Manage the teams of individual Projects.
- Create Project Roles that give permissions for specific projects.
- Change the role of each member in the Project Team.
- Add/Edit/Delete members from Projects.
- Timers
- Log the amount of time you spend on Projects.
- Easily stop and start timers from top navigation bar.
- Add in an hourly rate to work how much you are owed.
- View Stats on how much time you have spent every month.
- Ticket System
- Fully functioning support ticket system.
- Create new tickets for clients or have them create tickets themselves.
- Assign Priority and status to individual tickets.
- Assign a user to a ticket to handle.
- View Assigned Tickets.
- Add Custom Fields for Tickets.
- Reply to tickets and get notifications+emails.
- Option to setup iMap email piping for client repsonses.
- Create Departments to organise tickets further.
- Finance System
- Keep track of your finances by adding costs and revenue entries.
- Assign entries to specific projects.
- Dashboard produces beautiful graph of your years finances.
- Organise with Categories.
- Invoice System
- Create Invoices that can be paid with PayPal.
- Automatically set Invoice to paid by using PayPal’s IPN system.
- Two different Tax options.
- Add items to invoices.
- Create Invoice Templates.
- Create Reoccuring Invoices.
- Download Invoices as PDFs.
- View Web Version of Invoices to send to clients.
- Notes Section
- Create notes for Projects.
- View Notes/Edit/Delete.
- Restrict access to notes with permissions.
- Quotes System
- Create custom forms that allow you to receive quotes/feedback.
- Create Input Boxes, Radio/Checkboxes, Select dropdowns, textareas.
- Assign a user to a quote form so they get alerted to new responses.
- Quote Form can be filled out by guests (non-logged in users). Special URL given.
- View all quote responses. Mark them as Read/Unread.
- Add notes to individual quotes.
- Mailbox
- Send Messages to any user on the system.
- View all your messages in a beautiful designed inbox.
- Block List to block users.
- Get notifications when you recieve new messages.
- Translation Ready
- Easy translate the entire system by modifying our translation files (just 3 to edit!)
- Allow users to switch between a language of their choice using our unique Language Switcher.
- Supports any UTF-8 language!
- Documentation Guide to walk you through how to translate
- System
- Built on CodeIgniter 3.1
- Built on Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Translation Ready
- Requires PHP 5.4 and a MySQL database.
- Supports MySQL, Mysqli and PDO drivers.
- Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()
Release Notes
V1.0.0 – Initial Release
Created by Patchesoft
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items