EmbedAlytics (Miscellaneous)

EmbedAlytics (Miscellaneous)

Host and view your own powerful real-time website analytics.

EmbedAlytics is an incredibly powerful analytic solution allowing you to install, configure and then embed your dashboard directly into any website of your choice. Instead of logging into an analytic system – just place one of our snippets of code into your Wordpress, Magento, Prestashop, custom admin panels … (the list is endless!) and enjoy powerful data at your fingertips.

Main Features

- Full analytic package with 15+ metrics collected
- Simple and easy installation on all systems that have PHP and MYSQL (5 minute installation promise!)
- Embeddable, live dashboards
- Real time visitor information like Google Analytics
- Two themes pre-installed
- Powerful API system to make your own dashboards
- Self-host all your data!

What makes this product valuable is that it only takes 5 minutes to install:

- Upload files
- Run through the easy installation system
- Install tracking code (on every page you want to track)
- Embed a dashboard

If you cannot install the system, let us know and we’ll do it for you! (One time per purchase)

Metrics collected and reported:

- Unique visitors
- Page visited
- What device type was used
- Referer
- Location – Country and City
- Operating systems and version number
- Browser and version number
- Time on site
- Page load time (on supported browsers)
- System render time
- Site entry and exit pages
- Live site users and pageviews

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items
