ILoveMangaOverload CMS (PHP Scripts)

ILoveMangaOverload CMS (PHP Scripts)

Are you a manga reader fanatic? You keep on subscribing to the latest manga from the popular sites like mangafox, mangapanda and mangareader. Have you ever think that you can create your own manga reader?

YES YOU CAN!!. ILoveMangaOverload CMS is here already. You can easily add new manga lists, chapters manually or you can scrape them thru mangapanda, mangareader and mangafox with an ease. (we will add more sites later on)

Please take a look our steps by step on how to get started with your own Manga Online Reader.


  • Easy to setup pages for creating new manga and adding new chapters
  • Sleek and Minimalists Design (will add more themes soon)
  • Manage Advertisement Placements such as adsense and images.
  • User Management System
  • Random Manga Button
  • Has settings if you dont want to store the image to your server and just used the image url from where you grab it.
  • Grab All Chapters
  • Scraping Sites to get the latest manga and chapters
    • will add more….
  • Using latest technology for development such as:
    • Laravel Framework 4.2 | Will add support on Laravel 5.2 for future updates
    • Javascript
      • Angularjs
      • Underscorejs
      • JQuery
      • Coffeescript as main code
  • Security Vulnerabilities Applied such: SQL injection, XSS, CSRF.
  • Responsive Design
  • And will add more features later on…


- Initialize Release 1.0

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items
