The Fun Power Pack (Miscellaneous)

The Fun Power Pack (Miscellaneous)

We are proud to bring you the “The Fun Power Pack” which consists for 3 scripts in one:

The Meme Maker Script:

A very advanced meme generator script, which comes with social networking integration, responsive design, easily translatable, advanced features like rotate, scale, group selection, inserting text, and lot more.

The the individual item can be found here

front demo:
admin demo:

The Ultimate Fun Script

The script comes with 33,335 quotes, 38,729 jokes, 8301 riddles & 6357 facts in one single script. It also supports animated GIFs and Images support. The script is responsive, easily translatable, etc

The the individual item can be found here

front demo:
admin demo:
user: admin
password: 123456


This is one of the most advanced yet easy to install pin board style website. The script supports responsive layout, animated gifs, pin from external websites, user uploaded pins, etc

The the individual item can be found here

front demo:
admin demo:

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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