Yoodly ICU Management System (PHP Scripts)

Yoodly ICU Management System (PHP Scripts)

Yoodly ICU Management System

Dr. Can take care of his/her patients, If He/She need help from any Specialist then He/She can share patients
recent condition easily using this System.

This system also helps to Dr To Make a Statistic About Admitted patients In His/Her ICU.

Admit patients in ICU
Create Parameter Group
Create Parameter,
Create Bed
Create Diseases
See patient’s Previous Reading (Remotely or From Hospital)
Provide Treatment Using This Application (Remotely or From Hospital)
Provide Advice For The Patients (Remotely or From Hospital)
Discharge Patient
After Death List Patient In Death List
Control Ventilator Values
Create Patients Diseases Analysis Paper Using this System
Create Death Audit Using this System
Auto Creation Death Certificate.
Fully Responsive
Easy To Use
Light Weight

Developed By

Laravel 4.2


Login with Default User
Email: admin@mail.com
Password: 1234

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