Poll addon ver. 1.0 for crea8social – PHP Social Networking Platform will allow you to create a polls in your post. _
Demo on: crea8social.codefff.com Login: demo Pass: 123456
VideoPreview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAJy6CZGLVgFeatures: - Work with crea8social v4.2 and higher. - Counting of votes in real time without refreshing the page - You can create infinite number of poll option - Clean and responsive flat design - Real-time animation when statistics is changing - Statistics: the percentage, the number of votes, the total number of voters. - Checkbox sprite (You can easily change the design of radio buttons)
Important: For correctly addon work disable cache of queries on your site. Go to Admin CP / Configuration / Cache / Enable Cache Of Queries – select NO.
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