Daran is a modern, creative and minimalist Coming soon / Under construction template. It is built with latest Bootstrap framework so this template will look great on mobile devices. This template comes with two different layout and 6 background variations : Tab Style, Slideshow, Static Image, Image with particle effect, HTML video background and YouTube video background. Daran is highly customizable and pretty easy to use. This template will serve any client’s needs. If you’re looking for something trendy, that’s your top choice!
So what you will get:
- Modern and Clean Design,
- Extremely easy to setup and configure
- Built with latest Bootstrap framework
- Valid HTML5 and CSS3
- Fully responsive,
- Clean and well documented code
- Working ajax subscription form with Mailchimp integration
- Working PHP Contact Form with a Simple Email Template,
- jQuery Countdown
- Includes Entire Font Awesome,
- Cross browser support,
- CSS3 animations,
- Google Fonts used,
- Six background styles
- Excellent customer support – We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible.
Sources & Credits
HTML/CSS- Twitter Bootstrap: http://ift.tt/PPrDZs
- animate.css: http://ift.tt/1bHu1f5
Fonts + Icon
- Google Fonts: http://ift.tt/i1btFn
- Font Awesome: http://fontawesome.io/
- jQuery: jquery-2.1.3.min.js
- jQuery Easing: http://ift.tt/r8274c
- Smoothscroll: http://ift.tt/1apFBeN
- Coundown-timer: coundown-timer.js
- inview: http://ift.tt/14lm6vJ
- YTPlayer: http://ift.tt/1eUUc4o
- Ajax Mailchimp : http://ift.tt/1f6lCDa
Photos and Videos Important! The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file. You need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. We have included placeholder images for each instance.
Slider and Background Images:- Image One: http://ift.tt/1Juv6Xy
- Image Two: http://ift.tt/1KHTILj
- Image Three: http://ift.tt/1Juv6XC
- Image Four: http://ift.tt/1KHTILl
- Image Five: http://ift.tt/1FNlUfL
- Image Six: http://ift.tt/1KHTGmw
- Image Seven: http://ift.tt/1Juv8yI
- Image Eight: http://ift.tt/1DWhHSq
- Image Nine: http://ift.tt/1Juv8yJ
Video Fonts + Icon
- HTML5 Videos: http://mazwai.com/#83
- Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsXEULYFJNk
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