Birva is a Powerful, Responsive, Multi-Purpose Multi-Page and One-Page HTML5 Template. We highly recommend you to please check all the demos.
- Multi Page Demos
- Google fonts
- 200+ HTML files
- 135+ Portfolio pages
- 25+ Blog pages
- Ecommerce Layout
- Comming soon template
- 6 Navigation styles
- Easy to customize: backgrounds, color schemes, content
- Fully responsive
- Bunch of Icon fonts
- Parallax sections
- Smooth animation
- HTML5 video
- Pricing table
- Isotope Masonry
- Bunch of elements
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Working Newsletter
- Google Maps easy to setup via data attributes
- Browser compatibility
- Well documented
- Elite Quality code
- Fast Performance
- Optimized jquery
- Free updates and support
Sources & Credits:
All the Images used in this template are demo only and all the rights on them belong to their legal owners. Live preview images are NOT included in the pack.
- Framework
- jQuery Library
- font-awesome
- Icon-font-7
- jquery.easing.1.3
- owlcarousel
- cycle2.js
- backstretch.js
- jquery.eislideshow
- PrismSlider.js
- slick.js
- smk-accordion
- smooth-scroll.js
- supersized.js
- TweenMax.min
- Typed.js
- venobox.js
- zozo tabs
- masonry.pkgd.min.js
- jquery.sticky.js
- jquery.flexslider-min.js
- jquery.hoverdir
- zozo tabs
- All images in theme (only in demo)- Flicker, Kaboompics and unsplash
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