** W3C Site Validator * Unofficial * API v1.0
This PHP Script allows you to W3C-Validate multiple URLs at once and save a textual and reusable report in JSON format for each URL submitted.
This WONDERFUL PHP Class work with Google Images to allows you EASILY to:
- Validate Pages using W3C Engine
- Separate Errors from Warnings in the report
- Save a Computable Report in JSON Format for Each Page submitted
- Build Your Own Application: Everything is fully documented and Reusable
Additional Features
- Batch Search & Save: Start Multiple Validation at Once and Save all Reports with one single Call!- Parametrized Search: Work with Many Advanced parameters used by W3C: A Full List of Doctypes and Charsets
- HTML5 Report: A little Demo that Scan a Page, Save a Report and let you see it.
My Effort for You
- Versatile: The PHP Class do all your work, but you can edit it, or just compute it’s output to build your own SEO Application.- Easy to Use: You don’t need to mess with the Code. You just need some lines of PHP Code to make the script works fine!
- Well Documented: You can watch the full documentation for this script, code examples and a visual demo!
List of Supported Doctypes
- HTML5 (experimental)- XHTML 1.0 Strict
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- XHTML 1.0 Frameset
- HTML 4.01 Strict
- HTML 4.01 Transitional
- HTML 4.01 Frameset
- HTML 4.01 + RDFa 1.1
- HTML 3.2
- HTML 2.0
- ISO/IEC 15445:2000 (“ISO HTML”)
- XHTML 1.1
- XHTML Basic 1.0
- XHTML Basic 1.1
- XHTML Mobile Profile 1.2
- XHTML-Print 1.0
- XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0
- XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1
- MathML 2.0
- SVG 1.0
- SVG 1.1
- SVG 1.1 Tiny
- SVG 1.1 Basic
- SMIL 1.0
- SMIL 2.0
List of Supported Charsets
- utf-8 (Unicode, worldwide)- utf-16 (Unicode, worldwide)
- iso-8859-1 (Western Europe)
- iso-8859-2 (Central Europe)
- iso-8859-3 (Southern Europe)
- iso-8859-4 (North European)
- iso-8859-5 (Cyrillic)
- iso-8859-6-i (Arabic)
- iso-8859-7 (Greek)
- iso-8859-8 (Hebrew, visual)
- iso-8859-8-i (Hebrew, logical)
- iso-8859-9 (Turkish)
- iso-8859-10 (Latin 6)
- iso-8859-11 (Latin/Thai)
- iso-8859-13 (Latin 7, Baltic Rim)
- iso-8859-14 (Latin 8, Celtic)
- iso-8859-15 (Latin 9)
- iso-8859-16 (Latin 10)
- us-ascii (basic English)
- euc-jp (Japanese, Unix)
- shift_jis (Japanese, Win/Mac)
- iso-2022-jp (Japanese, email)
- euc-kr (Korean)
- gb2312 (Chinese, simplified)
- gb18030 (Chinese, simplified)
- big5 (Chinese, traditional)
- Big5-HKSCS (Chinese, Hong Kong)
- tis-620 (Thai)
- koi8-r (Russian)
- koi8-u (Ukrainian)
- iso-ir-111 (Cyrillic KOI-8)
- macintosh (MacRoman)
- windows-1250 (Central Europe)
- windows-1251 (Cyrillic)
- windows-1252 (Western Europe)
- windows-1253 (Greek)
- windows-1254 (Turkish)
- windows-1255 (Hebrew)
- windows-1256 (Arabic)
- windows-1257 (Baltic Rim)
Folders Contained in the Package
- “classes” : Contains PHP Classes- “documentation” : Contain the Documentation for the script.
- “examples” : Contain some practical example of the API behaviour.
- “reports” : Contain the TXT reports in JSON Format. You can change this folder in the API Configuration.
- demo.php : Contain the HTML5 Visual Demo
That’s the Plan!
- Look the “documentation” and the “examples”- When you become confident with the script, copy the “classes” folder into your website or localhost
- The other files are not needed to make this script works. If you need the documentation, keep them, otherwise you can delete them (I personally suggest to make a copy of the documentation for further use).
- Include w3cvalidator.class.php on your PHP pages and start working with it.
If you have problems regarding using the script, please contact me and I’ll help you. You can contact me on Codecanyon or via E-Mail: apocanow@hotmail.itAbout Script Update and Technical Support
I will do my best to keep this API Up-To-Date and create new functionalities around it. Feel free to E-Mail & Send Comments to me reporting bugs, asking for new features, discussing about what I created. If you ask me to create some new cool feature i will glad to work on it and release an update as soon as possible
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