Create your own magazine with Publisher
Turn your site into a beautiful masonry-style magazine with photos, videos, audio and more with Publisher. Featuring a robust, responsive layout, Publisher looks great on mobile phones, laptops and every screen in between.
Publisher is super simple to setup and use. No confusing templates to setup or layouts to configure. You simply add your content, and Publisher takes care of the rest.
Publisher Features
Customize Publisher
Customize Publisher in real time with the Theme Customizer! Publisher’s theme options let you change site colors, add custom CSS, add a custom background, add a custom header, upload a logo, add social links and more!
Powered by Jetpack
Publisher integrates seamlessly into the popular Jetpack plugin to provide beautiful photo carousels, Infinite Scroll post loading, contact forms, share links, related posts and much more.
Infinite Post Loading
Publisher utilizes Infinite Scroll post loading on the homepage of the theme, giving the user a very cohesive browsing experience while letting them explore more of your content. Posts will elegantly fade into view as the user scrolls down the page.
Post Formats
Publisher supports the Standard, Image and Quote post formats. These post formats allow you to create a mix of various posts styles for your content. Make each post unique with images, galleries, video, quotes and more.
Unique Post Backgrounds
Optionally, Publisher will use the Featured Image of your post or page and display it as a transparent, full-width image as the background of the page. This gives each page a unique, storytelling aesthetic. See an example.
Designed to adapt seamlessly to any display or device.
Publisher features a slick, responsive design, meaning your site will adapt to fit any screen size, from desktops down to mobile phones. All pages and features have been optimized to work on every device.
Used by TED Talks
TED is a global set of conferences that feature progressive and inspiring talks and conversations about technology, entertainment and design.
TED’s Return on Ideas blog and Ideas blog use a customized version of Publisher. Using Publisher as the foundation, TED has taken their site a step further by adding a featured article section and a customized header.
TED’s content is a great fit for Publisher’s masonry-style layout and infinite post loading. What will you create with Publisher?
Frequently Asked
What kind of website can I create with Publisher?
Publisher was created for magazine sites, personal blogs, tech blogs and anyone who is focused on publishing content. Publisher was designed to stay out of your way and let your content shine. With generous white space and large, legible fonts, Publisher will encourage users to keep on reading
Publisher can also be used as a minimal portfolio website, with support for photography, galleries, audio and video.
What plugins are recommended with Publisher?
Publisher integrates seamlessly with the Jetpack plugin and supports many of it’s popular features. Add beautiful photo carousels, Infinite Scroll post loading, contact forms, share links, related posts and much more with Jetpack.
Learn more about Jetpack.
Are you able to help me if I have trouble with the theme?
Most definitely! We’re happy to help answer any questions you might have about Publisher during setup or general use. We’ve put together a pretty handy help file to get you started, and we monitor our support forum closely to provide quick answers.
How do I gain access to the Array support forum?
Simple! Just visit the ThemeForest page at Array, enter your email and purchase code and we’ll create an account for you. Once you’ve logged in, you can access theme support.
Latest theme updates.
We update Publisher regularly with bug fixes and feature additions. Check out the latest changes to Publisher by viewing the readme file.
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