Some features
- Easy installation ( installer included )
- Upload images
- Share images & video from url ( youtube, vimeo )
- Categories & Tags
- Search system
- Advanced responsive admin panel
- Seo friendly images & URLs
- Media comments
- Comments like system
- Social share buttons
- Drag & Drop widgets
- Drag & Drop navbars
- Unlimited users & admins
- User activity points
- User confirmation via email
- User recovery password system
- User timeline
- User notifications
- User profile & points
- Users can upload an avatar or use GRavatar
- Moderate guest activities ( sharing medias, posting comments and etc )
- Fully translatable
- File upload limits
- transparent image sign
- Much more ….
None of this list is link-back-required but as a sign of appreciation, here is the list:- jquery
- jquery UI
- jquery form
- jquery imagesloaded
- jquery infinite scroll
- Masonry
- Bootstrap
- Modernizr
- DinPattern
- Glyphicons
- Demo images from Pixabay ( these images are only used in demo )
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items