Live Demo Reset - script that resets a live demo (Miscellaneous)

Live Demo Reset - script that resets a live demo (Miscellaneous)

“Live Demo Reset” is a PHP, MYSQL and jQuery based script that automatically resets a live website. This plugin is best suitable for developers who want to showcase their website, theme, plugin or other web work that have a possibility where other people can mess up the demo.

For example: consider that you have a gallery script that you want to showcase, with admin panel where other users can also edit or delete the images. Now there are people who will do funny things to your demo. Like uploading nude or violent photos, writing bad words, etc. Hence you want an automatic and easy solution that helps you with this. This script will reset your demo completely and automatically, giving you peach of mind. Features are described as below :

  • Timer is displayed for user to know that demo will reset soon. Only admin can set, at what interval demo files will reset. Time expiration is counted by server itself and not it does not depend on the JavaScript timer, for better security.
  • Reset files : All files in the demo folder are deleted and restored from a backup folder, that can be renamed to whatever the admin likes so that it is not predictable and hence safe.
  • Reset mySQL database : Whole mySQL database is made empty by deleting all tables. This data is restored from a phpMyAdmin SQL dump file, that is also kept on server. Admin can change its name to prevent being misused or download by other people.
  • Kill Cookies and PHP Sessions : This is done to ensure user privacy, data safety and any conflicts that may occur due to previous user sessions or cookies.

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