FlatLove – Flat One Page Wedding HTML5 Template
Current version: 1.0.0
FlatLove is an exclusive onepage wedding html5 template based on Bootstrap 3 framework, created for couples before their marriage, crafted with love in a sophisticated yet modern clean & minimal flat design style. FlatLove was designed to include every possible element what a one page flat wedding site template should ever contain!
Key Features:
- Bootstrap 3 based
- 1170px wide responsive grid
- Retina Screen support
- Page preloader effect
- Customized Google map
- Parallax scroll effects
- Onepage layout
- Predefined ready-to-use sections
- Fontawesome vector icons
- 30+ SCSS Files included
- Clean and modern flat design
- Responsive layout
- Unlimited color skins
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3 markup
- Sleek customizable css3 animations
- Working php RSVP form with validation
v1.0.0 = 2015.05.16 Initial Release
Need Support?
If you need assistance or have any questions referring to this template, feel free to leave a comment in the Item Details section, or contact me in e-mail via my themeforest profile’s contact form here. Thanks!
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