Demo Link:
Demo Login Details:
Password: test123
The Feedback and Bug Tracker Mananagement Tool allows you to log suggestions, improvements and quality of life requests about products that you develop, create or manage. There is also a bug tracker which allows you to prioritise bugs, glitches and other issues your customers report to you, allowing you to manage your software better.
Feedback Tracker is also very secure!
- Uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built on powerful CodeIgniter Framework Version 3.0 that has been tried and tested by millions of developers
- Passwords are encrypted using PHPass Library
- Captcha enabled pages to prevent spam!
- Manage Projects
- Create unlimited Projects to organise your Feedback and Bugs
- Set Active Project for logged in users to see Feedback/Bugs on this Project straight away
- Add Project Notes for each Project to keep track of your updates.
- Customise the settings for each individual Project over whether Feedback/Bugs can be submitted.
- Enable Guest Posting/Viewing per Project.
- Feedback Tracker
- Submit Feedback that allows you to keep track of suggestions made to you by your users.
- Allow/Disallow guests to post or require them to register and login.
- Create categories for feedback.
- Users can upvote feedback so you can view the most wanted/liked suggestions.
- Users can comment on individual feedback.
- Email notifications sent to feedback creator whenever a comment is posted on their feedback.
- Feedback can be marked as approved to show you have accepted a users idea.
- Approved List shows list of Feedback marked as approved.
- Can edit/delete Feedback.
- Bug Tracker
- Log bugs/glitches sent to you for each of your Projects using the Bug Tracker.
- Set each Bug a priority to show which bugs need fixing first.
- Allow users to attach files to submitted bug reports.
- Users can comment on bugs and notification emails sent out to Bug Report creator.
- Mark a bug as fixed so that it appears on the Fixed List
- Can create Bug Categories.
- Fixed list shows list of bugs that have been fixed.
- Admin Panel
- Able to disable registration
- Able to disable Captcha
- Allow guests to view Feedback/Bug pages
- Enable Email Notifications
- General settings include Site name, description and email.
- User Management, including editing and deleting users
- User Settings
- User Panel to edit User Information like email, password and name.
- Registration and Login System built in, including Reset Password Options
- System
- Built on CodeIgniter 3.0
- Built on Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Translation Ready
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