Feature Suggestion App for Envato Authors (Help and Support Tools)

Feature Suggestion App for Envato Authors (Help and Support Tools)

Do you care about your customers?

This is a feature suggestion platform for your existent and potential customers.

Imagine how they will feel if you are offering such a service to your customers who will be able to share their idea of an improvement or a new feature to your Envato items.

There’s no one and nothing better than improving your items based on customers feedback.

In the end they’re the one using your item and know their needs the best

Their idea, after admin approval (you) will be publicly available for everyone else to vote and you will decide based on that if that specific feature will be added to an item on Envato of yours or not.

Keep track of features you want added to an upgrade

Also, it helps you keep track of the features you want to include in an upgrade by keeping all ideas organized in one single place.


  • Admin can create “threads” for each of his Envato items
  • Users can visit the platform and suggest a feature/improvement/bug
  • Everyone else can view each others suggestions and cast their vote (this will help you in considering if you want to add that feature or not)
  • All suggestions must be approved by you prior to appearing publicly
  • Categorization of suggestions: Suggestions, Agreed to be added and Added in the past thanks to the platform
  • Suggestions Category: this is were all suggestions go
  • Agreed to be added: this category is for features you have picked to be included in a future update (no eta or other pressures required)
  • Added by your suggestions: this is were “agreed” will appear after they’be been developed and included in an update: this way customs will see you’re also taking action and adding features as they request

Admin Features

  • Manage (Add/Delete/Edit) Envato items listed on the front-end
  • Manage Feature Suggestions (Approve/Edit/Delete) received from your (potential/existent) customers
  • Configure website settings: Email (for email notifications when suggestions are received), SITE URL, Title tag, Folio URL (naviation), Contact URL (navigation), Heading & Intro texts, Place Analytics Code
  • Configure admin login password

To ensure maxmium compatibility with everyone’s hosting platforms, this is not using any MVC framework or similar. It requires Apache/PHP 5.3 or higher/MySQL. Also, for customization purposes it’s source code is open and HTML/CSS is Twitter bootstrap based.

For admin panel overview please check “Screenshots” as the live demo is a working platform for my own items.

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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