Facebook campaigner is an application that allows you to design photos and link preview image on a canvas and directly post your creation to Facebook’s multiple pages, groups, events, profiles. Create a campaign (status, link or photo), select target nodes (pages, groups, events, profiles) and Post. Get the fresh insights (likes, comments, shares) for each post. Delete a post from Facebook through application. No need to login in Facebook while creating a campaign.
Supports multiple Facebook apps, multiple user with access control, reusable canvas designs, Auto poster
- Facebook apps
- Support multiple apps
- Update a app’s secret
- Delete a app
- Import data(pages, groups, events, profiles) from Facebook and save to database
- Users
- Two user types, Admin and users
- Add, edit, delete a user
- Support multiple users
- Control access of a user to different nodes (pages, groups, events, profiles)
- Enable/disable a user login
- Canvas design
- Create, edit, delete reusable Canvas designs
- Add image from URL to canvas, add image from your computer to canvas
- Add text with different fonts and colors to canvas
- Add different shapes to canvas.
- Pick different fill colors and border color for shapes
- Public or private design for user, Private designs are available to creator only.
- User Settings
- Change username
- Change email address
- Change password
- Set canvas width and height
- Set/ change time zone
- App settings
- Change page limit
- Change group limit
- Change event limit
- Nodes(Mange Pages, Liked pages, Mange groups, Joined groups, Created Events, Profile)
- View list of post for each node
- Delete a node
- Enable/Disable posting on node
- Post List
- List of Post on a node or List of posts for a campaign
- Delete a post from database and/or from Facebook
- Get fresh insights(likes, comments, shares) of a post from Facebook
- View Post on Facebook in new tab
- Dashboard
- List of campaigns created.
- Status of campaign (in-progress, completed)
- Edit a campaign
- Delete a campaign
- Campaign insights (likes, comments, shares)
- Create Campaign
- Three campaign types( status, Link, Photo)
- Three options to add image for Link and photo(URL, upload from computer, design on canvas)
- For canvas option, Use a reusable canvas design from drop down or create a new one
- Select nodes on which you want to post
- Fast search option on joined groups and liked pages to select specific node from large list of nodes
- Check/uncheck all options to select nodes
- Start time and interval between two post
- 1-200 seconds are added randomly to interval to prevent from Facebook account blocking
- Some page/groups may not have posting permissions for Facebook users except their admins, Posting on such node is disabled by cron job to save time for next campaign
- Other Features
- Recover Password through Email
- MVC architecture
- Remember me option
- Clean editable code with comments
- Pagination
- Cron Job to autopost on scheduled time
- User friendly interface
- URL – http://phpfm.jcatpk.com
- Admin – UserName: admin Password : 123456
- User – UserName: user Password : 123456
- PHP 5.2.0 or higher
- Mysql 5.x
Change log
v.1.0 – 28 April, 2015
- Initial Release
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items