Content Grabber for the Facebook Pages
Ultimate PHP script for posting to facebook pages from various sources. It includes powerful chrome extension verified and can be downloaded from chrome store. You can post to facebook pages just by surfing on chrome selecting your image/link/text/video and right click on them, then you will have a post this option to post the content directly to fb pages with scheduling and custom status message option, This works for not one but all the pages in your facebook account
Minimum Requirements
- PHP v > 5.4
- Curl Enabled
- cURL must be enabled on your server
Other features
Facebook App integration
Dropbox api integration
Browse Dropbox files
Schedule Posts
Post to any of your facebook page
Copy posts from other facebook pages
Final Thoughts
If you have any problem setting up the script, don’t worry we will be happy to help you. You can either contact us through mail from here on add us on skype. Thank you for reading.
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