The Trips HTML website template suitable for travel sites, hotel sites, booking systems and similar websites on the web. Trips is a beautiful travel / hotel website HTML template coded with Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3.
It is modern and super simple, 100% responsive, 100% pixel perfect and comes packed with awesome template features for example; awesome color schemes, creative slider element, CSS3 animations and much more.! Trips hotel / travel HTML template sets the new standard with endless possibilities, top-notch support, and free lifetime updates with newly requested features from our clients.
Template Features
- 06 Unique Homepage Versions
- 29 Valid HTML Files
- 23 PSD Files Included
- Typography Elements
- Pixel Perfect
- Easy to Customize
- All in one for Multipurpose
- Free Google Web Fonts
- Free Icon Fonts
- Unique and Modern Style.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Easily customizable Photoshop files.
- Responsive Layout Design
- Retina Display Ready
- Bootstrap Base
- Awesome Slider Plugin
- Detailed Documentation
- HTML5 CSS3 Technology
- 24/7 Support Help
- Hotel’s page design
- Blog page designs
- Mega menu supported
- much more.
PSD Files Included
- 01_Homepage01.psd
- 02_Homepage02.psd
- 03_Homepage03.psd
- 04_Homepage04.psd
- 05_Destination_Grid.psd
- 06_Destination_List.psd
- 07_Hotels.psd
- 08_Hotel_Detail.psd
- 09_Payment.psd
- 10_Successfull_Payment.psd
- 11_404Error.psd
- 12_UnderConstruction.psd
- 13_Login.psd
- 14_Contact.psd
- 15_Blog.psd
- 16_Blog_Detail.psd
- 17_Shortcode_Columns.psd
- 18_Shortcode_Typo.psd
- 19_Shortcode_Button.psd
- 20_Shortcode_PricingTable.psd
- 21_Shortcode_Chart.psd
- 22_Shortcode_Accordion.psd
- 23_Shortcode_List.psd
Font Used
All the images are display only, not included in the main download package. But I must want to give credit to the authors for their wonderful images.
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.
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