ShotPro Community Script is a community of graphic designers and web where they share their latest and most impressive works. users can create projects with attachments, lists, follow other users, comment and give me like a shot. In addition to receiving notifications, send private messages with attachments, designers look for skills, location or available for hire, create jobs and ads.
Demo user: Just create an account or accessed from Twitter
- (Features are disabled)
- Admin Demo: Demo
- User Pass 12345
- link Admin Demo
Users/General:- Built with Laravel
- Bootstrap
- Authentication with Twitter
- Font Awesome
- IcoMoon
- Flat UI
- Send message direct/private with attachments
- Teams
- Team Members
- Users can create Projects
- Users can create Lists to organize your favorite designers
- Follow/Unfollow users
- Tags
- Find people
- Notifications Real-time
- Comments on Shots
- Like on Shots
- Like on Comments
- Block/Unblock users
- Option Delete Account
- Upload cover
- User validation by email
- Recovery password
- An email, by account
- Report users/publications
- Change password
- API for developers
- SiteMaps
- Edit/Delete publications
- Users can create Ads
- Users can create Jobs
- Integration with Paypal
- Animated Gifs allowed(Only if it is enabled on the server Imagick)
- Views Counter
- Color Palette in the shots/publications
- XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
- SMTP Support
- Navigation with arrow keys
- Like in the shots with the “L” key
- Share social
- Skills of the user
- Availability to be hired
- Last Shots, Popular, Most Commented, Most Viewed
- Feed users you follow
- Overall statistics
- Goods for Sale / Users can link their products for sale
Admin Features:
- Change the site name
- Change the site title welcome
- Statistics
- Enable/Disable news registrations
- Enable/Disable login with Twitter
- Enable/Disable Captcha
- Enable/Disable Email Verification
- Allow attachments in Shots
- Allow attachments in Messages
- Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
- Add a description (SEO)
- Long of private messages, and shots
- Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
- Payments Settings.
- See payments – Ads / Jobs / Teams
- Social Login
- Set up social accounts
- Manage members.
- Manage members reported.
- Manage shots reported.
- Manage Lists
- Manage Projects
- Manage Ads
- Manage Jobs
- Admin can enable or disable the members records, and to invite with PRO User whether or not members all from the admin panel.
- PHP 5.4 or Greater
- cURL
- PDO Driver
- GD Library or ImageMagick or Imagick.
- Enabled function mbstring
- This script was developed with PHP OOP and MVC
- allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON
- MCrypt PHP Extension
Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners, not be included in the script.
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