The Seven Pro Tumblr Theme is one of the most complete Tumblr themes around. It has so many features and a skin per area functionality that allows you to create many different sites from a single theme.
- Responsive and Retina Ready
- Modular Color Scheme
- Multipurpose Homepage
- Categories
- Widgetized Footer
- Social Media Icons
- Cover Slider
- Google Fonts
- Compatible with Mailchimp
- Disqus Compatible
- Google Analytics Ready
- SEO Ready
- Expandable with header and footer HTML code fields
- Fully Documented
The following resources have been used to create this theme:
- Superslides v0.6.3-wip – http://ift.tt/1aWcCgK
- jQuery-Animate-Enhanced – http://ift.tt/vhyQc3
- jQuery Easing Plugin (version 1.3) – http://ift.tt/r8274c
- jribbble v1.0.1 – http://ift.tt/TFzc3m
- timeago v1.4.1 – http://ift.tt/xL8UM4
- jQInstaPics 1.0 – http://ift.tt/13ETsJz
- dotdotdot 1.7.2 – http://ift.tt/xsC7zW
- FitVids 1.1 – http://fitvidsjs.com/
- Entypo Fonts – http://www.entypo.com/
- Fontello – http://fontello.com/
- Google Fonts – http://ift.tt/TXJSNB
Images used in the demo theme from Pixabay – http://pixabay.com/
v.1.0 (April 17, 2015):
- Release of this theme
Please send me any questions that you have or any bugs you find (or any feature that you would like to see added) – to support@misspato.com. I will be happy to help and would be very useful to keep this theme updated, improved and bug-free.
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