Migration Magic (Project Management Tools)

Migration Magic (Project Management Tools)

Migration Magic offers developers the opportunity to be in full control of there development environment. Using our unique file migration system developers can simply migrate any files they wish from a test environment to a live environment and vice versa.

File backups are easy to control too. Migration Magic makes this process as simple as it can be. On migration you can create a backup of the environment you’re migrating too. There is also the added ability to create a backup any time you need to without completing a file migration. Migration Magic now also has the functionality to manage backups. Developers or users can download compressed backups from the server which are sorted by date. When the time comes you need to delete some backups then you can delete them within the user friendly panel.

Ever needed to search the content of every file within a folder but don’t want to open each file. Well now with our added file search functionality and a friendly user interface this has never been easier. Simply choose your folder and enter your search term. You should the instantly be provided with all files and line numbers within those files that these search terms are found.

Try all of these features and more on our demo page and don’t forget to leave feedback via the contact page. We’re always happy to help and looking for improvements.

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