Flag Counter - Advance Visitors Counter (Miscellaneous)

Flag Counter is a visitors counter widget for your webpage (or) a blog. It counts number of visitors entering your site based upon their country and geo location information. It works on any HTML pages, blogs, social network profiles, envato pages etc.. Completely standalone and no external database needed. Simple to create and fully customizable flag counter with various options. Also, it provide advance statistics with charts and real-time web tracking system.

Main Features

- Flag Counter counts with pageviews

- Works at all web pages / blogs / social network profiles / envato pages

- Track website traffic & Visitors geolocation information

- No external database needed!

- Advance statistics with charts

- Create unlimited flag counters widgets

- Compare today and yesterday traffic

- It reveal Visitors Country, Visited time, Browser and OS info.

- Live real-time traffic feed

- Fully SEO-friendly URLs

- Captcha protection system

- One-Click Ads integration (Google Adsense ready)

- Google analytics support

- Responsive design

- Powerfull admin control panel

- Contact page for visitors to contact you easily

- Create unlimited custom pages

- Support Theme customization / Custom coded themes

- Inbuilt Easy Installer Panel

Admin Panel Features

- Clean and responsive admin panel

- Complete statistics about each visits

- Admin login history

- SEO settings such as Site name, Site slogan, Site meta description etc..

- Ads control panel (Ads with prefect spots to increase clicks)

- Support blocking of specific flag counters

- Ban specific user IP from accessing the site

- Modify custom pages with advance WYSIWYG Editor

- Build sitemap with one click

- Miscellaneous Task’s

(i.e Clear all Flag Counters, Inactivity Counters etc with one click)

- Efficient admin panel (Site can be Highly customizable)


Client Side Demo:


Statistics with charts:


Admin panel demo


Admin username: admin@prothemes.biz

Admin password: password

Note: Some feature are disabled for security reasons. Also site hosted on shared hosting. so don’t expect faster load.

Sample Flag Counter

Flag Counter

SEO friendly URL

Site is completely SEO friendly URL’s gives better keyword ranking and user friendly analyzing system.


- PHP 5.3.0 or above

- PDO and MySQLI extension

- GD extension (captcha protection / flag counter)

- Rewrite module

- Mcrypt Extension

- file_get_contents() must be allowed.

- SMTP Mail Server (optional)

Easy Installation

- No advanced technical knowledge required.

- Attractive installer panel

- Also only few seconds and clicks are needed, to install the script.

Note: Script works only on main (or) sub domain, Don’t try on sub directory !

Change Log

Version 1.0

- initial release

CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items

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