FileUpload is an easy way to upload and share files with your friends or customers. Possessing and file manager, users can manage your files and find them easily and comfortably through the filters. Each user has a fixed disk space set by the administration and is unable to exceed it so easy to fit in the capabilities of your hosting or virtual server.
Web Features
- Nice and Clean design
- Bootstrap 3 ready
- Friendly urls
- SEO Ready
- Drag and drop function
- Social Login
- Social Sharing
- Login/Register/Reset password functions
- Custom pages control: Private Policy, TOS, FAQ and etc…
- Control of user disk space
- 4 ad spaces included
- Blog posts, categories, search and etc…
- File Manager
- File Filters
- AJAX Powared File Manager
- User personal disk space usage progressbar
- Full Admin Panel
Admin Features
- Manage Files
- Manage Users
- Manage Blog Posts and Categories
- Manage Ads
- Manage Custom Pages
- Manage FAQ
- Web Settings
- Upload Settings
- Social Login Settings
Demo: Admin username: admin Admin password: admin
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