Elegant and strict, Coventry HTML-template is able to express your thoughts and ideas with passion. Apply the template advantages to your project, make it different with power of CSS and impress your audience. Coventry makes your web-presence stylish and effective.
Main Features
- 30 HTML Files Included
- Responsive Ready
- Clean, unique and fresh design
- Bootstrap integration
- FontAwesome full integration
- Google Map integration
- Google Fonts integration
- Favicon upload
- Animated gif Preloader
- Light & Dark Skin for Single Project pages
- Fully customizable content layouts
- 12-columns grid system
- Working contact form with full validation
- 6 Wonderful Homepages
- HTML5 Background Video
- Blog Templates
- Custom Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Image, Link, Quote, Video, Audio
- Unique Responsive Multilevel Menu
- Isotope Sorting
- Pricing Table
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Cross Browser compatibility
- Background and content sliders
- Touch swipe sliders and carousel
- Responsive embed video (YouTube, Vimeo)
- Seo Optimized
- Detailed Documentation
- Well organized source code with comments
- jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Isotope
- jQuery carouFredSel
- Chosen
- Fontawesome Markers
- jQuery Easing
- hsCounter
- jQuery Mousewheel
- jQuery TouchSwipe
- Mediaelement
Version 1.0 (April 03, 2015)
First Release
ThemeForest new Site Templates items