Budget Control (Miscellaneous)

Budget Control (Miscellaneous)

By using Budget Control application you’ll be able to control and track your project, family or any other kind of budgets where other people are spending your money.

You can create user’s personal budgets or group budgets ( Where several users will be able to make transactions against budget ).

Here are the key features of application: - Manage app users - Manage user groups - Manage Budgets - Create transactions with file attachments - Create PDF reports - Personal Messaging - Use custom currency symbols

Technical details: - Built on Codeigniter php Framework - MVC Pattern - Twitter Bootstrap 3.3 - Fully Responsive

For more experience, you can try Live Demo and Online Documentation.

Credentials for Manager: Email: manager@example.com Pass: 12345678

Credentials for User: Email: user@example.com Pass: 12345678

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