ATHOS is an innovative Coming Soon, clean and elegant for every creative people, corporates, agency, e-commerce, business, portfolio etc…
ATHOS has been built with the Framework Bootstrap 3, responsive on every screens, easy to customize, HTML5 verified 100% by the W3C, CSS3, SASS and Mailchimp.
A documentation is provided in your download pack for your customizations, you have also the possibility to contact me for more help
Main strengths
- 2 Layouts and 8 Variants for each one
- 16 HTML Files
- Youtube, Slideshow, Flat Surface Shader, Clouds, Constellation, Kenburns, Static and Terminal
- Fully responsive
- Working Newsletter form with Mailchimp and 2 others methods ( File storing or Direct Email )
- Easy to customize
- Font Awesome 400+ icons
- Powered with the Framework Bootstrap 3
- Smooth animations
- Google Maps Multi points or One point
- Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
- Well documented
- Accurate HTML code with comments
Credits :
- The pictures are not provided in your download pack, you can easily find them on The Stocks
- Video from the Betsafe Channel Betsafe Channel
ThemeForest new Site Templates items