About Template
Apital is a responsive HTML5 Template (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. Apital is perfect for your client. The Most Complete Multi-Purpose Template in ThemeForest.
SEO (Search engine optimization) The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical HTML markup so search engines can index the content of your site with easily. Insted of adding a lot of inline CSS code with your personal settings in the header of each page, Apital automatically generate a CSS file once you save the options, and then just include. So your website save the time generating this file for each visitor, and don’t have to include all this code in the header, which is bad for SEO. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines.
Theme Features
- Wide & Boxed Version
- Modal Popup
- Amazing Animation
- 10 Predefined Colors
- 4 Different Slider
- Awesome Video Background
- Well Documented
- Cross-Browser
- Easy to Customize
- Lightbox
- 780+ Icons
- Parallax Effect
- Awesome Elements
- Mega Menu Ready
- Responsive & Retina Ready
- Working Form & Twitter Feeds
- and much more…
jQuery Used
- jQuery MixitUp by KunkaLabs
- jQuery Modernizr by http://modernizr.com
- jQuery Form by Deni Bozo
- jQuery WoW by Matt Aussaguel
- jQuery affix by Bootstrap
- jQuery twecool by Twecool
- jQuery Stellar by Mark Dalgleish
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