Twticall is a Social Twitter Platform, that allows users to videochat, upload their photos and meet new people
Admin user (login)
User: admin
Pass: twitcall
All functions of admin has been disabled for demo!
- Videocall system like Skype
- 48 Languages
- Auto detect user language
- Upload photos
- Take photos with webcam
- Crop photos like Twitter/Facebook
- Photo viewer like Facebook
- Animated Skpe emoticons
- Exclusive theme
- Site title notifications for chat new messages
- Block users function
- Chat with message seen or unseen
- And much more…
Admin Features
- Advanced user and site statistics (User Registered, Active Users,Users online, Total photos, Total videocalls).
- Change logo, site title, site name, description , keywords and default site lang.
- Allows you to manage registered users, edit information and delete users.
- Allows you to edit/review the 48 languages of the script.
- Edit the top ad spot and the left ad spot, If you dont want to show any ad just leave it blank.
- Allows you to manage photos of users.
- See the logs of every videocalls.
Videocall browsers support
Works properly in Chrome and Firefox, also allow cross browsers videocall. but if you will test it with the same computer do it with same browser.
CodeCanyon new PHP Scripts items