Traveler is All in One Booking WordPress Theme especially for travel company/agent and any personal website.
It comes with Hotel Booking, Car Booking, Rental Booking, Activity Booking, Tour Booking and much more continue updating in next time. We integrated payment method for you can easier for use our site for your business.
Theme Features:
Friendly Option Panel: We design option panel very friendly and easy to understand for use it.
Can Make Feature & Discount count code – You can create a discount code very easy in admin. Smart Search – Help you quickly find the item match with query
Paypal Integrated – We integrated PAYPAL to our theme for help you better with you business.
Visual Composer – Trusted by more than 100.000+ sites all the world. Very friendly for use with minimum knowledge coding.
Responsive Design – Our theme compatible with all devices PC/Macbook/Ipad/Iphone and so on.
Bootstrap Base – Our theme build base on Bootstrap technology
User Register As a Partner of site: It’s mean user can upload content at font-end and can management content via Dashboard.
Feature Product: You can set product as Feature for every kind of item on site like: Hotel, Room, Tour, Car, Rental, Activity.
Discount for any item: We integrated this function for every item on site in case you need set up discount for what item you need just going to admin can config it very easy.
Social LoginOur theme support for social network, you can easy for sharing info for any social network you like.
Wish List Our theme comes with Wish List function allow client easier for following interested item.
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