Timber - Responsive Coming Soon Template (Under Construction)

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Timber is a minimal, responsive coming soon / under construction HTML5 template based on Bootstrap 3. This multipurpose, customizable template includes AJAX / MailChimp subscription, 700+ vector icons, custom backgrounds and much more!

Timber Minimal Responsive Coming Soon Template features and modules

Timber includes 4 custom modules which you can mix / easily modify / duplicate to achieve the desired result. Template also contains AJAX form: subscription (MailChimp version is also included). Timber has also animated gradient as one of 4 type overlays, custom animated icons, Smooth animations that easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport. All these features are put in well documented HTML, JS and CSS files. Comprehensive documentation will help you completely install and customize your new website.


  • Responsive design

  • Bootstrap 3.1

  • 700+ vector icons

  • Retina-ready

  • 4 different modules – tons of customize options!

  • Reveal animations (easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport)

  • AJAX / MailChimp subscription form

  • Animated icons

  • jQuery / SVG preloader

  • Google Web Fonts

  • Comprehensive online documentation

  • Well documented HTML, CSS and JS files

  • Custom header backgrounds (YouTube video, single image, image slideshow)

  • Custom header overlays (animated gradient, image, gradient, color)<+ 10 free PNG image overlays

  • Social icons

  • W3C Valid HTML

  • HTML 5 and CSS 3

  • Multi-Browser Support

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ver. 1.0 (14.03.2015)
- initial release


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