“Tanz, Habibi!”, simple in use, designed in gentle light style theme was created especially for websites offering various wedding services. This theme offers specific templates for photography, videography and DJ services, however, it does not mean that only these types of services are suitable for this very theme. read more
- Multiple page templates
- Selected post categories templates
- Insert either featured image or embedded video into posts
- 2 Custom Post Types: Services and Team Members
- Services: use featured image, embedded video or self-hosted audio
- Working contact form (php)
- Theme options via Dashboard–Customise
- Several custom plugins (widgets, CPTs)
- Google and font@face fonts
- CSS transitions, js sliding panels, mobile navigation sliding panel
- Based on default WP functionality, no page builders, no third-party plugins
Page templates
- 4 versions of Home page
- With Intro sliding panel, About block containing excerpt from Press, list of Services
- With Intro sliding panel, About block containing excerpt from Blog, list of Services
- Without Intro sliding panel, About block containing excerpt from Press, list of Services
- Without Intro sliding panel, About block containing excerpt from Blog, list of Services
- 3 versions of About page
- Main block, Team, Press
- Main block, Team
- Main block
- 4 variations of Gallery (Collections) page
- Full-width page with image gallery
- Photo albums with sidebar (opened as single post)
- Video collection with sidebar (expanded as sliding panel)
- Audio collection with sidebar (expanded as sliding panel)
- Press page
- Testimonials page (on base of default WP commenting system)
- Contact page
- 3 variations of Default page
- Full-width page
- Page with sidebar
- Page with contact form
- Single post templates for 4 categories: press, photo, video, audio and single default
Theme comes with several custom plugins written especially for this theme. You are free to install them or ignore (depends on how will you arrange your website content). Here is the list of plugins:
- Custom Post Type (CPT) “Services”
- Custom Post Type (CPT) “Team Members”
- Social profiles for “Team Members”(widget)
- Social profiles for theme in general (widget)
- Image Slider (widget)
- Modified WP Gallery shortcode expanding with prettyPhoto script
Technical information
- Tested on all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, IE)
- Tested on iMac, Windows and iPhone 4S
- Fits all screen resolutions from 2560 px down to 320 px (minor issues are expectable on 320 px screens)
- Translation ready (comes with text domain)
- Accessibility ready
- Tested with W3 validator
- Tested with Theme check
- Tested with Theme Unit
- Fonts: Nexa family, PT Serif, Qauttrocento, Floaralia
- Icons: Flaticon: Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC BY 3.0
- Scripts: ascensor.js, prettyPhoto, blueberry.js
- Images: True Photography, Biblical Dinners, Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, snappy1 (not included)
- Audio tracks: credited on corresponding pages and posts (audio files are not included)
- Videos: credited on corresponding pages and posts (embedded, not included)
What is included into theme pack?
- “main-files” folder: theme folder, Help folder, demo content xml, “wp-tanz-child”
- “wp-tanz” folder: installable folder with all required theme files
- Note: posts + slider images, audio tracks, videos are not included!
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