MiResume is a Modern, Responsive and Minimalistic HTML5 Theme that is perfect for creating a digital personal resume or website, that could help you boost your business and build a long list of potential clients.
It comes with 8 Demo Options including Gradient, Slider, Youtube and HTML5 Video Backgrounds.
- 8 Demo Options including Gradient, Slider, Youtube and HTML5 Video Background.
- Gradient Overlay Background
- Slider Overlay Background
- Youtube Video Background
- HTML5 Video Background
- Clean & Minimalistic Design
- Modern horizontal one page scrolling
- Fully Responsive design
- Carousel slider
- Magnific Gallery for portfolio
- Skill Progress bar
- Unique Menu Style
- Minimal Contact Form
- Working contact form with validator
- HTML5 + CSS3
- ET-Line Icons & Font Awesome Icons
- Cross browser Support
- W3C Valid source code
- Extensive documentation
- Easy to customize
Video Credits:
http:// mazwai.com
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