What is Kode?
Kode is Responsive Admin Template based on Bootstrap 3. You can use Kode for your projects, web applications or as eCommerce dashboard.
Kode coded highly responsive for your mobile phone & tablets.
Kode is easily customizable with colors, widgets or ui elements.
- Bootstrap 3 based
- Fully responsive for phones and tablets
- Clean user interface
- Less file available
- Dashboard widgets
- Retina ready
- Cross-browser compatible
- Special mailbox design
- Over 500 font icons
- 9 different tabs and themes
- 13 different button style. Simple to personify
- Panel tools
- Sweet alert boxes
- Special notifications coded for Kode
- Modal boxes
- Progress bars
- Tooltips
- Popovers
- Collapse
- Accordion
- Dozens chart styles
- Data Tables
- 5 Form Layouts
- 2 Text Editors
- Widgets
- Google Web Fonts
- Social Profile
- Login Page
- Register Page
- Forgot Password
- Lockscreen
- 404 & 500 Page
- Responsive Grids
- Maps
- Customizable Elements
- Helper Classes
- Semantic and valid Html5+ CSS3 markup
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