Hijack is a minimal, responsive, business coming soon / fullscreen / one page HTML5 template based on Bootstrap 3. This multipurpose, customizable template includes AJAX and MailChimp subscription and contact form, 4 different widgets, 500+ Font Awesome icons, custom backgrounds and much more!
- Can be used as landing page
- Responsive design
- Quick customization file
- Bootstrap 3.1
- 500+ Font Awesome vector icons
- Retina-ready
- Twitter feed
- Quote carousel
- MailChimp subscription form
- AJAX forms: subscription and contact
- Reveal animations
- jQuery preloader
- Google Web Fonts
- Comprehensive online documentation
- Well documented HTML, CSS and JS files
- Custom header backgrounds (YouTube video, single image, image slideshow, color background)
- Custom header overlays (image, gradient, color) + 10 free PNG image overlays
- Countdown script
- Social icons
- W3C Valid HTML
- HTML 5 and CSS 3
- Multi-Browser Support
- Mobile Friendly
ver 1.0 (23.03.2015)
- initial release
- Bootstrap getbootstrap.com
- jQuery library jquery.com
- jQuery UI jqueryui.com
- Fullpage.js http://ift.tt/1NdptNY
- Backstretch http://ift.tt/yPnKet
- HTML5 Shiv http://ift.tt/mLOzmk
- Countdown http://ift.tt/1p3jujd
- Respond http://ift.tt/YaQglP
- Device.js http://ift.tt/1r4vUbE
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer http://ift.tt/1r4vX72
- wow.js http://ift.tt/1qUOBRm
- animate.css http://ift.tt/1bHu1f5
- jQuery Tweetie http://ift.tt/1tryBav
- ajaxChimp http://ift.tt/X2HKsU
- jquery placeholder http://ift.tt/1NdptOd
Photos, images, videos
- Slideshow photo #3 stocksnap.io
- Single background and slideshow photos #1 & #2unsplash.com
- Map image http://ift.tt/UO9bjd
- YouTube video 55Studio
Additional notes
YouTube video background doesn’t work for mobile and tablet devices due to the restriction policy adopted by all on managing multimedia files via javascript. It fallbacks to static image instead.
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