Framer - Component-Based Multi-Purpose Framework (Creative)


Awesome components based framework

We created digital product that will help brands thrive in a connected world. Meet Framer, extended and designed framework based on Bootstrap with easy-to-use attribute that will speed up process of building a website and give awesome end product.

One template infinite possibilities

Framer is not just one template, it’s a tons of components that together create unlimited number of templates.

We are dedicated to work on new components and expand Framer in the future. Initial version contains: 8 hero, 14 content and 11 showcase sections, 8 footers, 2 contact pages, 10 blog pages, 8 demos and 20+ various other sections.

Ideal for Startup

Wrap up your startup with beautiful website. Use our premade templates or combine components and sections quick and easy. With Framer you have options as many as you want.

Superb for Companies

None of the components depends of layout, use them separately or as complete section. Copy your content in to new, modern design and refresh your brand.


Easy to use – Stack premade and build new sections with use of components that fit in any layout.

Flexibile – There are no limits in combinations, you can create anything you want.

Well documented – Step by step customization. All packed in one nice document that comes with download.

Responsive – Easily and efficiently scales your project with one code base, from phones to tablets to desktops.

Retina ready – Serve high-resolution images to devices with retina displays. Framer will look beautiful on any device.

Built With Bootstrap – Based on the most popular front-end framework for making responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

HTML5 & CSS3 – Valid and clean code. Modern subtle animations. Files are commented for quick and easy handling.

2000+ icons – Various vector icons with infinite scalability. Every icon looks awesome at any size.

Designer/Code friendly – easily style, change fonts, colors, sizes in few clicks. Non experienced users will find Framer very easy to customize.

Dedicated support – We have forum for you to report issues, find answers and get latest updates before we publish update.

Free photos and mock-ups – source to free photos used in demo + many more and various PSD mock-ups is included with download.

Google fonts – we have used Google web fonts. You can use any within a minute. Custom Google map – customize map to fit your page design.

Contact form – working contact form.

Saves Your Time – All you have to do is to bring your content in our code and design. Love on First Sight – After just few minutes creating with framer, you’ll gonna love it.

Thank you OVER Clothing for giving us permission to use your content for demo purposes.

Images related to OVER Clothing are not included with download. All other images can be found on link provided in documentation.

This item* is provided by Envato elite author – Awerest.

“We create digital experiences that tell stories, build brands and bring ideas to life. Live, work and play in Novi Sad, Serbia.”

* We specialize in crafting awesome internet things, no developers were harmed in the making of this product.

Change log

v1.0 – Initial version

On the list for v1.1

More contact, showcase and blog sections.

Vimeo and Youtube background video support.

More Dribbble feed versions.

FAQ section.

Contact us if you have any suggestion for next update.

ThemeForest new Site Templates items