- 20+ Different Demos
- 9 Portfolio Pages
- 5 Single Project Pages
- 3 Ajax Project Layouts
- 15 Color Schemes
- 3 different menu variants
- Ajax portfolio — correct back link operation, SEO-friendly
- Isotope portfolio filtering
- Revolution Slider:
- Easy to customize: backgrounds, color schemes, content
- Fully responsive
- Retina ready
- Font Awesome 400+ icons
- Simple Line 160+ icons
- Powered with Bootstrap
- Parallax sections
- Smooth animation
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Google Maps easy to setup via data attributes
- Blog list & grid layouts
- 5 Posts variants (Text post, Image, Gallery, Video, Quote)
- Powerful shortcodes
- Responsive video (YouTube, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Viddler, Kickstarter)
- Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
- Well documented
- Clear & Neat design
- FAQ Included
ThemeForest new WordPress items