Theme Features:
- Build on Bootstrap 3.2.0
- 100 % Fully Responsive and optimized for mobile devices
- One Page Scroll and Multi Page Website
- Dark and Light Variation
- Full Width and Boxed Layout
- Mega Menu and Classic Menu
- Over 3000 Icons – FontAwesome, Fontastic, LivIcons
- Amazing Shortcodes with multiple options and styles
- Full Width / Parallax Block
- Awesome CSS3 animations
- Clean and Modern design
- Full Image Background, custom pattern or custom color for Boxed Layout
- Google Fonts
- Custom Headers and Footers
- Sticky Header
- Custom Comming Soon and 404 Error Pages
- Retina Ready and High Resolution Graphics.
- Touch friendly – optimized for touch devices and work nicely with smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
- SEO Optimization
- Complete Documentation – simple guidlines on how to use and customize AVENDOR Theme
- And Much More…
1. Version 1.0 Released
Images are included in the download pack except shop and team image. Image Credits: Unsplash, PicJumbo, Splitshire
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